Imbibe is your ultimate guide to drinks culture, from wine, spirits and beer to coffee, tea and everything in between. Every issue features the world’s top drink destinations, recipes, how-tos and in-depth stories covering the fascinating people, places and flavors of liquid culture.
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Imbibe Magazine • NUMBER 94 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2021 • @imbibe Still thirsty? Find us online for even more of the best of liquid culture.
What We're Drinking Now: Sorel
At the Market: Pear
A Few of Our Favorite Things
Anatomy of a Drink: Gløgg
Three Ways: Punch
5 to Try: Celebratory Beers from Tørst's Sam Casner
Day Trip: Shinobo Kato, Kato Sake Works
Q&A with Priya Krishna
Mixopedia: Grand Opera • Toward the end of a 1911 banquet for bankers in New Orleans, the hall’s lights were dimmed, and an after-dinner libation rolled out. “[T]here flushed up a streaming flame,” wrote a witness. “By the side of it stood a Mephistopheles, ladle in hand, who poured his savory-smelling drink. For a moment it seemed that the banquet hall was a scene from some grand opera.”
Taste Test: Sloe Gins
Gear: Punch Bowls
Elements: Cream of Coconut
Characters: Thandi Walton • Atlanta bartender Thandi Walton created her own way forward.
Cold as Ice • A reader’s shared recipe traces its origins to Antarctica.
Decadence in the Halls • Celebrate the season with rich, indulgent cocktails.
2021 Holiday Gift Guide
Go with the Grain • Seeking distinct flavors, breweries embrace the burgeoning craft malting industry.
Field Day • American wineries are getting in on the field-blend game.
The Little Pot That Could • How an iconic Italian coffee brewer stood the test of time.
Drinks Atlas: Piedmont, Italy
Cravings: Eggnog Cake with Bourbon Cream
Quench: Making it Through • We’re really proud of our community at Smuggler’s Cove. Our rum club, the Rumbustion Society, it’s more than people getting together and drinking rum. Over 11 years, there’ve been deep friendships formed—they’ve become a wonderful group. I had one regular tell me, “You’ve created something special—a place where adults can make friends.”