To save his tribe, the cannibal Stopmouth must abandon it. Leaving the stone-age world of the Surface behind, he travels to the Roof, the mysterious hi-tech world suspended above. But the Roof has its own problems. The nanotechnology that controls it is collapsing. And now a rebellion against the ruling Commission is about to erupt.
Hunted by the Commission's nano-enhanced agents, Stopmouth must succeed in a desperate hunt of his own: to find the woman he loves. Only she knows how to save his tribe. But in this super-sophisticated world, all he has to fight with are his raw strength and fierce courage.
From the Hardcover edition.
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- Chills & Thrills: YA Thrillers
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- Love is in the Air
- Youth Media Award Medals & Honors
- YA Cumulative Youth Media Awards
- Calling the Shots
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- Level Up
- Chills & Thrills: YA Thrillers
- Love is in the Air
- Youth Media Award Medals & Honors
- YA Cumulative Youth Media Awards
- Calling the Shots
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