In one specific area of Scotland—a place many might not know or think about were it not for “Nessie”—a 1,500-year monster hunt continues. Since the earliest centuries, human curiosity has fixated on the secrets concealed in the freshwater loch carved into the Scottish Highlands. Anecdotal evidence of something unusual in those depths abounds, while credible journals and literature give life to scientific and speculative theories. And even though nearly every encounter has been debunked, the belief that there’s something unexplainable in the water remains. Every day, believers continue to visit the loch with long lenses and open minds. Perhaps that is because deep down we want to believe that a living prehistoric still roams the earth. Or that some fantasies are real.
UNSOLVED MYSTERY • Why we are eternally intrigued by the Loch Ness Monster
1 EXPLORING THE HIGHLANDS • When it comes to habitats, Nessie couldn’t have chosen a more perfect place
2 ONE DAY IN 1933 • Beginning on this particular May 2, the eyes of the world were on Scotland
3 CAUGHT LOOKING • So many sightings, so much mythology
4 WHAT IS IT? • There are a wide variety of explanations for what kind of creature Nessie might be
5 CRYPTOZOOLOGY • The search for creatures that have not (yet) been studied by science
6 IMAGINE THAT • A few words for those who believe Nessie sightings are a hoax
7 NESSIE: SUPERSTAR • The monster that’s forever been seen from a distance has always been ready for its closeup
8 BUYING IS BELIEVING • Nessie conjures big business for Scotland
9 MODERN THEORIES • What do our best minds currently believe about the Loch Ness Monster?
The Story of the Lock Ness Monster: Facts and Fiction