EatingWell Healthy Reset
Healthy Reset • Simple Changes, Big Benefits
What Is a Healthy Reset? • No restrictive diets here. This plan focuses on simple food goals for a healthy eating pattern that’s easy (and enjoyable) to follow. And it’s built to last.
Mind Your Sugar • Eating less added sugar may help reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Here’s how to find balance with the sweet stuff.
The Scoop on Sugar • Though too much added sugar doesn’t benefit your health, you may not have to surrender your sweet tooth completely.
I Gave Up Sugar for 30 Days • I’ve had a sweet tooth for as long as I can remember. Giving up sugar felt like forgoing oxygen some days, but I have a completely new understanding of my cravings and habits.
Top 7 Sources of Added Sugar • Added sugar sneaks into all sorts of sweet and savory foods. Learn what to look for and how to cut back.
8 Sweet Fruits • Take a break from added sugar with these great-tasting, naturally sweet alternatives.
Veggie-Packed Breakfasts • With no more than 3 grams of added sugar per serving, these breakfasts are perfect choices to help you feel good and energized for the day.
Eat More Plants • Fruits and vegetables boast powerful antioxidants that support overall health. Here’s how to include more in your diet, plus delicious recipe ideas.
Why You Need More Fruits and Vegetables • It used to be five servings a day. Now the goal is to fill half your plate with fruits and veggies. How much do you really need, and why does it matter?
Fresh or Frozen? • Americans typically don’t eat enough vegetables. Could frozen veggies help us meet our needs?
The Benefits of Plant-Based Eating • Here’s how to start getting more whole foods and greens into your diet.
Eat Green • Want to have a lighter impact on the environment and still eat tasty food? Find delicious recipes for green produce including bok choy and cabbage, plus simple ways to reduce your kitchen waste.
Celebrating Green Produce • Eating your vegetables can be both healthy and delicious. From stir-fried veggies to vibrant salads, these tasty recipes will have you craving green vegetables as part of every meal.
Fuel Up with Fiber • A high-fiber diet can help manage blood sugar, normalize digestion and make you feel full longer. Fit more fiber into your day with these easy tips.
9 Benefits of Fiber • While it might not top your list of things to get excited about, this often-missing component of your diet has a lot going for it.
Understanding Fiber • You know fiber is good for you. But did you know that there are two types, both with distinct roles in the body?
9 High-Fiber Vegetables • Most Americans need to eat more vegetables and fiber, both of which support heart and digestive health and help manage blood sugar.
7 Ways to Add 5 Grams of Fiber to Meals • Get more of this important nutrient with these flavorful foods.
High-Fiber Snacks • Up your intake with these simple and flavorful nibbles.
Find Joy • A healthy reset shouldn’t feel restrictive. Food should nourish your soul as well as your body, and healthy habits can brighten your days.
Eat Well and Feel Well • Learn how to put yourself first and nourish yourself in a way that works for you.
4 Ways to Eat to Feel Your Best • Follow these tips to prioritize a healthy balance.
10 Habits Worth Shaking Off • From not staying hydrated to only cooking with olive oil, these patterns can sabotage long-term health goals.
8 Tips for a Happy Morning • Even if you don’t think you’re a morning person, these habits can help you start your day on the right foot.
What Is Joyful Movement? • Enjoying your...